2014.12.22 薬理大掃除(cleaning)
2014.12.18 薬理忘年会(Year-end Party)
2014.11.17 Seminar held in Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
2014.11.13 Welcome party!
2014.11.12 篠崎講師が武田科学振興財団の医学系研究奨励を採択され、贈呈式に出席しました
2014.10.17 Happy Birthday! Prof.Schuichi.
2014.10.11 平山助教第131回日本薬理学会関東部会若手優秀発表賞(Ms.Hirayama got the best presentation award.)
2014.08.24 2014ASPN in Taiwan.
2014.08.20 柴田先生壮行会(Cheering Dr.Shibata up!)
2014.07.17 講座旅行 in 高尾山(We enjoyed hiking Mt.Takao)
2014.06.24 神庭先生講義(Professor Kanba gave a special lecture for us.)
2014.05.27 薬理実習終了(Practice of Pharmacology)
2014.05.14 Happy birthday!
2014.04.04 Happy birthday!
2014.03.29 小松君ありがとう(Thanks Ryuhei!)
2014.03.31 平山さん卒業おめでとう(Congratulations on your graduation!)
2014.03.20 惠ちゃん卒業おめでとう(Congratulations on your graduation!)
2014.03.24 Happy birthday!
2014.03.04 第1回甲府脳研究会(Seminar at Katsunuma)
2014.01.14 平山さん学位論文発表(Presentation of Ph.D thesis)
2014.01.06 書初め(The first calligraphy of the New Year)
- 脳疾患・眼疾患
- Brain diseases・Eye diseases